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de février 2021 à mars 2004 — Page suivante »

Criminalité et droit pénal

Les détenus peuvent-ils exiger un accès à Internet ?

La CEDH n’impose pas une obligation générale de fournir aux détenus un accès à Internet ou à des sites Internet. Pour autant, en fonction des cas particuliers, le refus de l’administration de laisser un détenu qui ne présente pas de dangerosité particulière accéder à des informations spécifiques, peut violer l’article 10 de la Convention.

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Criminalité et droit pénal

Espionner les mails de son conjoint peut constituer un acte de violence conjugale

La CEDH considère que la violence domestique n’est pas limitée aux seuls faits de violence physique mais inclut, entre autres, la violence psychologique ou le harcèlement. Elle juge que la cyberviolence est un aspect de la violence à l’encontre des femmes et des filles et peut se présenter sous diverses formes dont les violations informatiques de la vie privée, l’intrusion dans l’ordinateur de la victime et la prise, le partage et la manipulation des données et des images, y compris des données intimes.

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Criminalité et droit pénal

French PMU wins its first legal battle against online bookmaker

The Pari Mutual Urbain (PMU) has successfully overcome its first legal hurdle in a case it filed in June 2005 against the online bookmaker ZeTurf. As in most other remote gambling cases are the facts of this case relatively simple: The bookmaker, duly registered and incorporated in Malta, provides French internet users the possibility to…

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Criminalité et droit pénal

Online gambling : the German Constitutional court paves way for German ECJ gaming case

The German Constitutional Court recently issued an important decision concerning the legality of intermediary activities for a Gibraltar licensed gaming operator. Seen the Gambelli judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and its reception by national courts, the German Constitutional Court, Bundesverfassungsgericht, raised substantial doubts on the compliance of the German cross-border gaming restrictions,…

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RGPD, vie privée et données personnelles

Reconciling RFID technology with data protection principles

The Data Protection working group of the European Commission, the so-called Group 29, recently released a working document on RFID technology and privacy issues. Group 29 confirms that the use of low-cost Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) has substantial advantages in not only a number of sectors and industries, but also for individuals and public…

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Protection du consommateur et pratiques du commerce

Viagra no longer stands up … at least not for the moment

Pfizer, the manufacturer and distributor of the well-known drug Viagra had to take down its publicity on the Dutch website On this website, sponsored by Pfizer, visitors could anonymously find information on erection difficulties and the different remedies and products available on the market. Furthermore, it was possible to order and obtain Viagra via…

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Criminalité et droit pénal

Dutch Supreme Court rules on Ladbrokes appeal

On 18 February 2005 the Dutch Supreme court ruled in the Ladbrokes summary proceedings and rejected the appeal lodged against a September 2003 decision that recognized the exclusive right of the Dutch betting operator De Lotto. With this decision a process of more than 2 years seems to have ended. The debate, however, may still…

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Protection du consommateur et pratiques du commerce

Pop-Up windows do not infringe anti-Spam Law

The Utah Court of Appeals rejected arguments that pop-up messages for Celebrity Cruises infringed a Utah state law regulating unsolicited « electronic messages. The Court held Utah’s Unsolicited Commercial and Sexually Explicit Email Act was not intended to target pop-up messages, but only electronic mails. In Europe, a similar debate is held on the scope of…

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Criminalité et droit pénal

Online gaming : European Court of Justice will rule again in a Gambelli-bis case

Within a year following the landmark European Gambelli decision, a new remote gaming case is pending before the European Court of Justice (ECJ). While the final decision in the Gambelli case is still pending before the national court, national authorities in various Member States had to judge on the de facto consistency of the national…

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Criminalité et droit pénal

Major search engines sued in Class Action Suit for Taking Online Gambling Ads

Major US Search engines (e.g. Google and Yahoo !) are being sued in a class action lawsuit filed on the 4th of August in California. This class action lawsuit is a private Attorney General action brought as a class action and on behalf of the California general public against the major Internet search engine websites…

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Propriété littéraire et artistique (droits d'auteur)

Ladbrokes case: a Dutch Court demands proof of “consistent gaming policy”

Is D-Day approaching for the gaming industry ? On 2 June 2004, the court of Arnhem held that the restrictions imposed to Ladbrokes could not be reconciled with the requirements of European law ! For the first time since the De Lotto and Holland Casino began their crusade against foreign remote gaming operators, a Dutch…

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Commerce électronique

Online gambling and WTO: Antigua and Barbuda has won in its dispute against the USA

On the 26th of March, the WTO disputes panel has ruled in favour of Antigua in its action against the world’s sole superpower. Antigua and Barbuda had earlier presented arguments to the panel to the effect that the US government in legislating against transactions between US financial institutions and Antigua and Barbuda-based Internet gaming companies,…

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