Cabinet d’avocats franco-belge, moderne et humain,
au service de la création et de l’innovation

9 pôles d’activités dédiés au
droit de la création et de l’innovation

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4 Publications classées dans la catégorie
Propriété littéraire et artistique (droits d'auteur)

de juillet 2017 à juillet 2017 —

Propriété industrielle (marques et brevets)

IP enforcement in the European union

The purpose of this Guide is to provide valuable information and tips to foreign practitioners when their clients face a legal issue in the European Union in relation with intellectual property, information technology and, in general, innovation. It is made of 13 chapters linked together.

Image du dossier logo de Droit & Technologie Droit & Technologies
Propriété littéraire et artistique (droits d'auteur)

Legal protection of a database

The purpose of this Guide is to provide valuable information and tips to foreign practitioners when their clients face a legal issue in the European Union in relation with intellectual property, information technology and, in general, innovation. It is made of 13 chapters linked together.

Image du dossier logo de Droit & Technologie Droit & Technologies
Propriété littéraire et artistique (droits d'auteur)

Legal protection of a computer program

The purpose of this Guide is to provide valuable information and tips to foreign practitioners when their clients face a legal issue in the European Union in relation with intellectual property, information technology and, in general, innovation. It is made of 13 chapters linked together.

Image du dossier logo de Droit & Technologie Droit & Technologies
Propriété littéraire et artistique (droits d'auteur)

Legal protection of author right (copyright)

The purpose of this Guide is to provide valuable information and tips to foreign practitioners when their clients face a legal issue in the European Union in relation with intellectual property, information technology and, in general, innovation. It is made of 13 chapters linked together.

Image du dossier logo de Droit & Technologie Droit & Technologies

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